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Audiobook Review: Blood Promise By:Richelle Mead

Series: The Vampire Academy (#4) By: Richelle Mead
Overall Rating on Goodreads: 4.39
Published: August 25th 2009 by Penguin Razorbill
Pages: 503
Favorite Quote: "There was a lot of apologizing going on, but I realized that was how it was with people you cared about. You forgave each other and moved on.”  
My Rating: 4/5 stars
"The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. Many are dead. And, for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck, a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count. But only one victim matters ... Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honoring her life's vow to protect Lissa—her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess—or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?

Now, with everything at stake—and worlds away from St. Vladimir's and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend—can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?"
This was the first audio book I listened to and I loved it! Emily Shafter is great! To me it felt like she nailed everyone's voices and attitudes. Her voice always kept my attention and she made everything feel authentic and not sound like she was reading from pages, it felt like it was all happening to her. If you haven't listened to an audiobook before then I suggest starting with the Vampire Academy books. Now I know you may be wondering why I went from reading the first three books, then listening to the audiobooks. I did this because the last few months have been very busy and sadly I haven't had as much time to sit and read like I use to. Audiobooks help me with this issue and lets me read listen while I do my day to day tasks.
Now on to the actual book review. This book broke my heart. It crushed me from the start. At the end of Shadow Kiss we knew that Rose was going to go and find her love, and kill him. Mead didn't sugar coat anything and it left this book raw, honest, and tragic. There weren't too many sweet parts in this book, but their were tons of emotions and nervous energy. This book is more dedicated to just Rose and her journey, but of course there is some parts with Lissa. I know some of you will get mad at me for saying this, but I really do not like Lissa. I feel like she expects the world to revolve around her. She is made out to be the girl that everyone loves and a gentle spirit, but I do not see that at all. I see a spoiled baby who wants what is only best for her and puts everyone else on the back burner. Rose has done nothing but put Lissa first her entire life, and Lissa still cannot be humble enough to understand Rose has her own business she now has to take care of. It is no longer the Lissa show and Lissa can't live in a world where it isn't. So she spends the entire book trying to make it yet again all about her. Sorry about the rant I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings that's just how she made me feel and I will always be honest in my reviews. My heart broke for Rose and I wished desperately she had her best friend to help her through her grief.
Rose sets off to find Dimitri and finds herself meeting his family and becoming close to his younger sister. Rose loves Dimitri's family already, and because of this she cant seem to find it in her to tell them that he has been turned. Does she find the strength to let them know? What if she just decided to stay there with them, and look after his family for him instead of trying to hunt Dimitri down? Or does she find the strength to carry on with her mission of finding her true love, and killing him? I have one word to describe the scenes, DRAMA.
Rose does find a some what friend in the alchemist Sydney. I LOVED Sydney she cracked me up with how snarky she was. I felt like Sydney tried to be more of a cold person then she really is deep inside. She was Rose's friend when she needed one, even if Sydney didn't really know it. Heck I'm not sure if Rose even really knew. I hope that we see more of Sydney.
Did you guys like this book? Let me know in the comments below =)


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