Okay I have a problem, and I hope I'm not alone. I love a good series, but I get very emotionally involved. So when the end of a series comes around I get excited to see how it will all end, but the more I love a series the more likely I am to put off reading the last book. I don't want the story to end, and let's be honest many authors kill off characters in the end causing us book lovers to die a little inside. I don't like saying goodbye to characters, and this lead me to the idea of sharing a list of series I love but can't make myself finish. Kingdom of Ash This is the last book in Throne of Glass series , and I am not ready for what could happen. The book before this ended in such a crazy way I'm not sure I will make it through the last book. I went to start reading it, and I just wasn't ready and had to walk away. I am so emotionally involved in this series I feel like the characters are family, and I'm not ready to see how their sto...