Title: Red Queen Series: Red Queen #1 Author: Victoria Aveyard Narrator: Amanda Dolan Overall Goodreads Rating: 4.10 Length of Audiobook: 12 hrs and 40 mins Published: February 10th 2015 by Orion My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars IN A NUTSHELL First do you see what I did here? Red and Silver...get it? Anyway this book was a fantastic listen. I really enjoyed the original twist on how characters are ranked in this fantasy world. The characters are ranked on what color they bleed. If you bleed silver you are ranked like royalty and live comfortable. You also get epic powers such as controlling fire, being able to read peoples minds, controlling metal awesome things like that. If you bleed red well than you are SOL and end up having a crappy job or going off to war. In this book we learn that not everything is as black and white....or red and silver as they thought. This book was fast paced and had so much twist that I didn't see com...